
Glebefields Primary School

Our Children Shine

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Our Vision, Mission and Aims

Our vision:

At Glebefields Primary School we believe that everyone should have high expectations of themselves and others and make a valid contribution to our school community. All pupils are encouraged to develop confidence, independence, motivation and resilience in order to reach their full potential. We aim to achieve this through:

Providing a positive, safe and consistent learning environment;

Developing positive relationships with pupils, parents and the wider community;

Providing an ambitious and coherent curriculum that is delivered effectively;

Nurturing and mentoring;

Preparing pupils for the future. 


Our mission:

Our mission is to provide all pupils with the skills, experiences and values required to become lifelong learners and to be able to make positive life choices in order to live a fulfilled life.


Our values:

At Glebefields Primary School, we believe that it is important that children are Ready to learn, are Respectful and feel Safe at all times. 



We are ready when:

  • We arrive at school one time.
  • We have the correct uniform and PE kit.
  • We have the equipment we need – water bottle, snack, swimming kit etc.
  • We are sat quietly.
  • We show that we are listening and ready to learn.



We are respectful when:

  • We speak calmly and politely to others.
  • We use good manners.
  • We follow instructions.
  • We treat others with kindness.
  • When we look after our school environment.
  • We look after our own and other people’s equipment.
  • We respect that other people have different ideas, beliefs and backgrounds to our own.
  • We follow the rules.



We are safe when:

  • We use kind words and actions.
  • We move around the school safely.
  • We keep our environment tidy and safe.
  • We use equipment correctly.
  • We follow instructions to keep ourselves safe.
  • We make the correct choices about how we behave.


Our aims:

The aims of the school are the same for all pupils. In a positive, safe, consistent and supportive environment, pupils are provided with many opportunities to develop emotionally, spiritually, socially, physically and intellectually. This will enable them to be ready for the next stage in their life and to become responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.


The school aims to:

  • Create a happy, stimulating and safe learning environment for both children and adults;
  • Develop a love of learning and the opportunity for each individual to achieve their full potential and to develop and explore their own interests in a secure and challenging environment;
  • To foster a sense of personal worth and self-esteem;
  • To promote the children’s welfare to help each achieve their full potential;
  • Enable pupils to become confident, resourceful, enquiring and independent learners, able to apply their skills;
  • Create an atmosphere of mutual respect, understanding and consideration for the ideas, attitudes, values and feelings of others;
  • Develop pupils self-esteem, resilience, personal development and well-being;
  • Protect pupils from abuse and neglect and ensure they grow up in circumstances where there is safe and effective care
  • Enable children to be valued as part of the school community;
  • To prepare pupils to become responsible members of society and prepare them for the world of work;
  • To promote the basic skills of English and Maths;
  • To deliver an engaging curriculum;
  • To offer and encourage pupil participation in an extensive range of extra-curricular activities and opportunities;
  • Raise aspirations;
  • Develop strong links with parents and the wider community.

Our Ethos

We want the ethos at Glebefields to be:

  • Clear, established routines and procedures
  • Non-judgemental
  • Everyone is equal
  • Safe
  • Nurturing
  • Good manners
  • Feeling valued
  • Feeling listened to
  • Organised, calm environment with a buzz of learning
  • Positive and happy
  • Welcoming
  • Friendly
  • Approachable
  • Respectful
  • A sense of teamwork
  • A family feel – a sense of belonging, kindness and caring
  • Empathetic
  • Sense of pride
  • A consistent approach
  • Child centred
  • Everyone is appreciated
  • Smart


To develop this culture we:

  • Model the behaviour we want from pupils
  • Consider our own body language and tone of voice
  • Present ourselves smartly
  • Have high expectations of each other and the pupils
  • Accept everyone strengths and weakness and build on the strengths
  • Consistent with the way we approach everything
  • Be mindful of others
  • Be positive