
Glebefields Primary School

Our Children Shine

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By the time, pupils are ready to leave Glebefields, we wish for them to have an excellent understanding of how Design and Technology links to everyday life and the impact that Design and Technology has on their future health and well-being. Therefore a high quality curriculum will promote curiosity and a love of the subject which will be expanded on in their later life.
The curriculum is designed to promote and explain the importance of Food Technology and the importance of a healthy diet which is key to ensuring that the children maintain a healthy lifestyle when they become teenagers and adults. Throughout the curriculum, the children get the opportunity to try a wide range of foods where from different traditions and cultures. In addition to this, the children are also taught basic life skills through sewing and design.
The subject plays an important part of the thematic curriculum and also has strong links with Science, Maths and PE. Design and Technology learning is planned through units within the Thematic curriculum and the skills are tracked across the school.. Every unit of the Thematic curriculum, has at least 1 element of DT in. This ensures that the children have an excellent amount of teaching related to Design and Technology whilst they are at Glebefields.
It is expected that children will move through the curriculum at the same pace, although appropriate scaffolding will be in place to support learners who find these concepts challenging. Similarly, learners who grasp concepts rapidly are expected to be challenged and extended through a variety of activities.
