
Glebefields Primary School

Our Children Shine

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Welcome to Nursery!

It has been so wonderful to meet all the children and see how happy they are to come into Nursery. We are so proud of them!

Nursery AM sessions begin at 8:30am and end at 11:30 am.

Nursery PM sessions begin at 12:30pm and end at 3:30pm.

Please arrive promptly for the start of sessions. Getting the children into a consistent routine will immensely help them to settle into Nursery and our routines. Once the children have settled, we will begin phonics and group time lessons. It is vital that they arrive on time so that they do not miss any learning time.

Children should come to Nursery in their school uniform every day and bring their own water bottle, labelled with their name. Please also provide a named bag of spare clothes in case they have an accident or get wet/dirty.

Every day in Nursery we promote healthy eating and provide a range of healthy snacks which the children can choose from every day during Discovery Time. We ask that parents contribute £1 per child every week to help with the cost of this.

We will be sending reading books home in a few weeks time. Please look after these books well and return them in good condition. Please ensure that they are returned on Wednesdays so that we have enough time to change and record books before sending new ones out on Fridays.

Kind regards,

Miss Steward and Mrs Glover (The Nursery Team)
