
Glebefields Primary School

Our Children Shine

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As parents and carers you have a legal duty to ensure that your children of compulsory school age receive a suitable full-time education. It is also vital that you encourage your child's regular and punctual attendance at school. 


It is important that everyone works together to help children obtain the best possible start in life with a good education.  Parents should work in partnership with the school, notifying the school of the reason for any of their child’s absences and highlighting any areas of concern they may have so they can be addressed promptly. 


Mrs Benion, our Welfare Officer, works closely with Chris Wyer, our Parent Support Advisor, to support parents and carers to ensure that pupils attend school regularly and to overcome any barriers that may arise. 

Our Attendance Aims

As a school we aim to:

  • Achieve an attendance rate of 96% or above.
  • Reduce the percentage of persistent absenteeism.
  • Improve punctuality. 


Attendance for the previous week

This weeks attendance winners are:

3P with 97%. Well done - you can wear non-uniform on Friday 17th January

Key Stage One winners are 2C with 96.7%. Well done.

Both classes will have an extra playtime.

This weeks overall attendance was 93.3%.

We are aiming for 96%

Attendance for the Academic Year 2024-2025

4B are in the lead with 96.1%
