
Glebefields Primary School

Our Children Shine

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School is now closed for the summer holiday. Children return to school on Wednesday 4th September 2024.


History at Glebefields (Intent)


Glebefields Primary wants every child to leave school with an appreciation of their part in Human History and the cultural capital that connects them to the rest of their community, local, national and internationally.  Glebefields wants pupils to be able to develop a sense of where they fit into the story of human development.  They should be able to make connections between their own lives and of those who lived before them.  They should also begin to appreciate similarities and differences in the backgrounds of people around them. 

Pupils should be able to be inspired, engaged and provoked by Historical studies through experiences and interactive lessons.  Pupils should leave Glebefields with the ability to register the existence of different time periods, civilizations and cultures which may contrast with their own or provide connections between others and their own.

History requires curiosity, research, analysis, discussion and persuasion skills, which are life skills that can be transferred into other parts of their future. To ensure children develop these skills, pupils will take an active role in exploring historical issues, comparing and contrasting civilisations throughout time and around the world and presenting and comparing their own ideas with those of others. 

Pupils are encouraged to think like historians and develop their skills including historical enquiry. There is a strong emphasis on developing children’s other skills such as understanding of chronology, interpretations of evidence, changes within a time and across time periods and cause and consequence.

By working collaboratively, pupils will begin to explore and debate issues and ideas that should provoke both interest and fascination, but also emotive responses which help challenge and develop their own moral compass and sense of who they are.
