
Glebefields Primary School

Our Children Shine

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School is now closed for the summer holiday. Children return to school on Wednesday 4th September 2024.


Mx Johns, Mr Briggs and Mrs Gilbert welcome you to Year 3: 3J!


We are looking forward to having lots of fun and working

extremely hard this year! Within our 3J team we aim to develop and support each other with all our academic and emotional achievements.


We have a number of exciting and fascinating topics and

educational visits which will provide you with a wide

range of learning opportunities as well as develop your

skills and knowledge.


Throughout the year, the children will learning about:

The Stone Age, Volcanoes and Tremors and The Ancient Greeks.


Keep an eye on our Dojo page for any updates on all of the

amazing learning we will get up to this year! We can’t

wait to get started!
